Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Plethora of Meetings........

I am off to New Zealand this weekend to attend ICANN Wellington and what is amounting to a plethora of meetings to attend.....I am hoping to be able to blog my attendance daily, but looking at all that I have to attend, this is looking a bit unlikely.......but let's see how often I can post.

So far, on the meetings to attend list are ICANN itself, APRALO, ISOC, Forum ICT Ministerial Meeting, Pasifika Day, and a host of side meetings with various people and organisations.......and to make it worse most of them are concurrent with another!

At the Forum meeting, we are looking forward to the Digital Strategy being endorsed, and only can hope that this endorsement is not for the sake of endorsing something - I hope countries actually make a real effort to implement and promote the recommendations.

More next week from Wellington.............

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